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Area Bray Dunes

German bunkers in the area of Bray Dunes

German bunkers in the area of Duinkerken

German bunkers in the area of Gravelines

German bunkers in the inland of Northern part of France

German bunkers in the area of Calais

German bunkers in the area of Wissant

German bunkers in the area of Cap Griz Nez

German bunkers in the area of Boulogne sur Mer

German bunkers in the area of Neufchatel Hardelot

German bunkers in the area of Berck

German bunkers in the aread of Dieppe

German bunkers in the area of Le Havre

German bunkers in the area of Trouville sur Mer

German bunkers in the area of Villers sur Mer

German bunkers in the area of "Sword Beach"

German bunkers in the area of "Juno Beach"

German bunkers in the area of "Gold Beach"

German bunkers in the area of "Omaha Beach"

German bunkers in the area of "Utah Beach"

German bunkers in the former Festung La Rochelle

Hitler's former headquarter in Margival

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